A Bracelet woven on a Bead Loom


Thread the loom with strong silk thread, also called trend thread. The number of trend threads determines the width of the bracelet. If you string six threads onto the loom, there will be space for five beads in width.

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Comment faire
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1.   Attach the trend thread onto the loom. Start and finish the trend thread by tying a knot around the flat stick at one end of the loom.
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2.   The six trend threads are tied around the two removable round handles at the other end of the loom.
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3.   Pull an approx. 1.5m long piece of thread onto a beading needle and tie the end of the thread around the left round handle of the loom.
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4.   Pull the first bead onto the needle and place it underneath the trend threads.
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5.   Push the bead from underneath and up through the middle of the trend threads and sew with the needle through the bead from right towards left over the trend threads.
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6.   Thread another three beads onto the thread and push them up through the trend threads.
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7.   Push the needle through the beads from right towards left over the trend threads. Continue this process until the desired lenght of the bracelet is reached. Use your imagination to create different patterns and colour combinations.
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8.   Finish the bracelet by tying a knot around the trend threads.
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9.   Finish the weaving of the bracelet by feeding the thread back through the bead and then tying a knot onto each individual thread strung on the loom. Repeat at the opposite side. Use the thread which you loosen from the left round handle of the loom. When the weaving is secured in both ends, loosen the two round handles of the loom and detach the flat piece of wood at the other end.
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10.   Remove the round handles.
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11.   Remove the flat wooden stick.
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12.   Cut open the loops at both ends of the bracelet and plait the threads and finish with a knot.
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