A Felted Bag for an Ipad


This bag is knitted from Melbourne wool yarn and then felted in the washing machine at 40°C. Holes are cut after the bag has been felted. The shoulder strap and the fastener are made from 3mm thick leather cords. A handmade horn bead is sewn onto the front.

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Comment faire
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1.   Cast on 50 stitches and knit plain stitches back and forth until the knitted piece measures approx. 85cm. Use yellow yarn for the last 2cm of the knitted piece. Now fold the knitted piece so that the actual bag measures 34cm and the flap measures 17cm. Now sew the bag together inside out and felt it in the washing machine at 40°C. Pull it into shape whilst it is still wet.
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2.   Der klippes aflange huller i klappen. Mål evt. op på et stykke papir først.
Guide step %d
3.   Gather three pieces of 3mm leather cords in a knot and pull through the knitted piece. Plait the cords until the desired lenght of the shoulder strap is reached. Close at the other side using the same procedure.
Guide step %d
4.   Use a piece of mercerised cotton yarn for loosely sewing the horn bead onto the bag.
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5.   Make a fastener from leather cord as shown.
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