A Giraffe folded from Origami Paper


This giraffe is folded from a square piece of origami paper, following the Japanese folding technique of origami.

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Comment faire
Guide step %d
1.   Fold the paper diagonally. Unfold.
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2.   Fold two sides towards the scored line in the middle, resulting in a very long pointed triangle at the top.
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3.   Fold the long triangle in the middle and make a bend for the giraffe's neck as shown.
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4.   Unfold the neck, open and fold the neck inside out on both sides of the body.
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5.   Fold the top of the neck to form the giraffe's head. Unfold and turn over. Open the neck and fold the head down on both sides of the neck.
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6.   Bend the pointed tip inwards.
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7.   Bend the right side tip towards the left so it is aligned horizontally as shown. Open and push the tip inside the body of the giraffe.
Guide step %d
8.   Pull out the paper tip from between the layers to form a tail.
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9.   Make two vertical cuts to make the legs and cut across for the stomach.
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