A Pom-Pom Scarf and Wrist Warmers


A scarf made from pom-poms on the Knit-Wit & Doodle-Loom Kit. The wrist warmers are knitted on No. 3 knitting needles following the pattern.

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Guide step %d
A Pom-Pom Scarf   Wool, Fantasia Yarn, assortment, item No. 42182. Requirements: 1 ball of wool = 2 Pom-Poms. Knit-Wit & Doodle-Loom Kit: item No. 41144 The number of pom-poms that you make depends on the length of the scarf. Put a pom-pom onto a strong cord, f.ex. Satin Cord, 51551 - and thread on a large bead (57120) between each pom-pom, so they do not touch. Finish with some gorgeous Plastic Beads (619901) at each end.
Guide step %d
Wrist Warmers – One Size   Wool, Fantasia Yarn, assortment, item No. 42182 (4 different colours + black). No. 3 Knitting Needles – item No. 42281. Cast on 40 stitches with black yarn. Knit 4 rows = 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain. *Change colour and knit 5 rows = 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl. Change to black and knit 4 rows = 2 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl. Change colour and knit 5 rows = 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl, 1 plain, 1 purl. Change to black and knit 4 rows = 2 plain, 1 purl, 1 right* Change the colour and continue knitting from * to * until you have reached the desired length. Cast off all stitches and secure the ends and sew together to form a “tube”.
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