An angel and a nutcracker made from cross stitch card and pipe cleaners


Make an angel and a nutcracker figure with a vintage look from teardrop-shaped cross stitch card Christmas baubles for hanging. Embroider the punched-out cross stitch card designs with pipe cleaners. Use wooden beads for the heads and decorate further with pipe cleaners and sequins.

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Comment faire
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1   Make an angel by cutting two pipe cleaners with glitter in half to make four half pipe cleaners. Shape angel wings from a silver pipe cleaner as shown in the photo.
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2   Thread the cut pieces of pipe cleaner though the holes in the cross stitch card design one by one until you have achieved your chosen pattern. Twist the ends together on the back and trim the excess pipe cleaners. Attach a silver pipe cleaner to the hole at the top of the bauble from the front and twist it around the pipe cleaner at the top on the back in order to secure it.
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3   Attach the wings on the back by twisting around the silver pipe cleaner. Thread the compressed cotton head and sequins onto the pipe cleaner. Bend the end of the pipe cleaner to form a loop for hanging.
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4   Make a nutcracker by cutting black and gold pieces of pipe cleaners as shown in the photo. Attach one piece of gold pipe cleaner through the hole at the top of the cross stitch bauble and twist it around the card at the top. This end of the pipe cleaner will be used later for the head, the hat and for hanging.
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5   Attach three short black pieces of pipe cleaner through the holes in the middle. Now attach the small pieces of gold pipe cleaner in a cross as shown in the photo. Twist the ends on the back and trim the excess pipe cleaner. Make the nutcracker's hat by twisting the thick black pipe cleaner around your finger. You may add a small detail at the front of the hat with a piece of gold pipe cleaner.
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6   Thread the compressed cotton head and the hat onto the gold pipe cleaner and bend the end of the pipe cleaner into a loop for hanging. You may make a small piece of black pipe cleaner into the moustache and attach it onto the compressed cotton head with glue.
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