Coiled basket weaving with paper raffia
Make a basket from paper raffia wrapped around maize cord.
Comment faire

1 Wrap a piece of paper raffia (approx. 1 m) around the maize cord. Secure the end of the paper raffia underneath the wrapping. NB: Don't cut the maize cord before finishing the basket completely.

2 Thread the piece of paper raffia onto a blunt needle. Twist the end of the paper raffia covered maize cord into a coil and secure by sewing around two rounds of cord.

3 Continue twisting paper raffia around the maize cord. Twist the maize cord into a coil. Secure with a needle threaded with paper raffia as shown in the photo.

4 When the paper raffia runs out, join the new piece of paper raffia by twisting it around the two ends.

5 When changing colour, join the new piece of paper raffia following the same procedure as described above.

7 Do use several different colours of paper raffia. Finish each colour of the paper raffia opposite the same place as where you started.
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