Des bonbons en pâte Silk Clay pour jouer à la cuisine
Modelez des sucettes, des bonbons durs et des guimauves aux formes amusantes avec de la pâte Silk Clay.
Comment faire Téléchargez nos instructions étape par étape
1 Réalisez une sucette en roulant deux longs boudins en pâte Silk Clay de deux couleurs différentes.
5 Finish by inserting a wooden stick into the lollipop. Trim the wooden stick to your chosen length.
7 Make marshmallows by rolling three Silk Clay sausages in different colours. Now twist them around each other and roll them evenly.
9 Make hard-boiled sweets by rolling three red and three white Silk Clay sausages. You may choose different colours. Push the sausages together side by side. Cut the sausage into small pieces with a pair of scissors. Remember to cut them at an angle for the correct hard-boiled sweet shape.
10 Make fried marshmallow eggs from a small blob of white Silk Clay. Roll it into a ball and push it flat. Now roll a ball from a smaller blob of yellow Silk Clay and push it flat on top of the white Silk Clay.
11 Make mushroom marshmallows by modelling a small piece of white Silk Clay for the stem as shown in the photo. Roll a ball of pink Silk Clay for the cap and push it flat.
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