Des fruits et des légumes en pâte Silk Clay pour jouer à la cuisine


Modelez des fruits et des légumes en pâte Silk Clay. Utilisez cette pâte autodurcissante dont la surface ressemble à celle de la mousse pour réaliser des fruits et des légumes amusants que les enfants pourront utiliser pour jouer à la cuisine. Modelez des pommes, des poires, des raisins, des citrons et des carottes.

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1   Modelez les gros morceaux de fruits ronds en recouvrant des boules de polystyrène avec de la pâte Silk Clay. Commencez par aplatir un morceau de pâte Silk Clay en utilisant un rouleau à pâtisserie.
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2   Push the flat piece of Silk Clay around the polystyrene ball.
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3   Roll between your hands into an even ball.
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4   Please note that when rolling the ball evenly, excess Silk Clay may occur. Remove this by lightly twisting the blob.
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5   Roll a blob of brown Silk Clay to a sausage and trim. Model a leaf from green Silk Clay.
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6   Lightly push the small stalk and the leaf onto the covered polystyrene ball. Leave the apple to dry for approx. an hour before use.
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7   The finished apple.
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8   Experiment by kneading different colours of Silk Clay together. This orange colour is made by kneading and twisting together yellow Silk Clay with a small amount of red Silk Clay.
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9   Make an orange around a polystyrene balls following the same procedure as when modelling the apple. You may make small dots in the orange using, for example, a wooden flower stick.
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10   The finished orange.
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11   Make grapes by rolling small balls from Silk Clay. Push them together to make a bunch of grapes.
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12   The finished bunch of grapes.
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13   Make a slice of watermelon by modelling a blob of pink Silk Clay; mix red and light beige Silk Clay for pink. Model a triangle in your chosen size. Roll a piece of green Silk Clay flat and cut out a rectangle for attaching onto the edge of the watermelon. Roll small seeds from brown Silk Clay and push them onto the watermelon slice.
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14   Finished pieces of watermelon.
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15   Make a pear by pushing green Silk Clay around a polystyrene ball. Attach a thick blob of Silk Clay around the bauble so you have enough Silk Clay to model a pear shape from the original ball. You may mix a bit of yellow Silk Clay with the green Silk Clay to achieve a lighter green colour.
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16   Make carrots by rolling a sausage from orange Silk Clay and make it pointed at one end. Make flat leaves from green Silk Clay and push them onto the top of the carrot.
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17   Make cherries by rolling two small balls from red Silk Clay. Roll a sausage from green Silk Clay and double it over. Attach each end onto a cherry for the stalk. Model a small leaf from green Silk Clay and attach onto the top of the stalk.
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18   Make strawberries by covering polystyrene eggs with rolled out red Silk Clay. Make small dots in the Silk Clay using a wooden flower stick. Model small green leaves and a stalk from Silk Clay and attach onto the top.
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19   Make a lemon by pushing flat rolled-out yellow Silk Clay around a polystyrene ball. Attach a thick piece of Silk Clay to each end to give the lemon its characteristic shape. Make dots with a wooden flower stick.
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20   Here are the finished fruit and vegetables.
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Plus d'infos

Modelez des fruits et des légumes en pâte Silk Clay. Utilisez cette pâte autodurcissante dont la surface ressemble à celle de la mousse pour réaliser des fruits et des légumes amusants que les enfants pourront utiliser pour jouer à la cuisine. Modelez des pommes, des poires, des raisins, des citrons et des carottes.

Plus d'infos
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