Easter Chicks from Gauze Bandage and Polystyrene


These Easter chicks are made from polystyrene ufos in three sizes, covered with gauze bandage. Metal feet are then attached and the chick is painted with A-Color matt paint.

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Comment faire
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1   Cover the polystyre ufos with gauze bandages soaked in water. Use the large ufo for the body, the middle size for wings and use the smallest ones for eyes (without the gauze bandage) and for a beak (with gauze bandage). Let it dry.
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2   Paint the chick with A-Color matt paint and dip the brush frequently in water to get the colours to flow together.
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3   Carefully insert metal feet into the chick's body.
Guide step %d
4   Make both of the pupils with a black dot of A-Color matt paint. You may use the brush handle to carefully dab the paint onto the polystyrene eyes.
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