Fleurs éternelles faites avec des perles
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Confectionnez des fleurs éternelles avec des perles. Ces fleurs peuvent être utilisées à de nombreuses fins différentes. Mettez-les dans un vase, sur une pince à cheveux ou utilisez-les comme décorations de cadeaux ou décorations de serviettes pour la table. Initiez-vous à l'artisanat français ancien, qui a l'air compliqué mais qui repose en réalité sur quelques techniques simples. Enfilez des perles de rocaille sur un fil de laiton fin, passez l'aiguille dans une perle, enfilez d'autres perles sur le fil et torsadez le fil de laiton, vous avez alors réalisé le premier pétale.
Comment faire Téléchargez nos instructions étape par étape
1 Coupez un morceau de fil de laiton mesurant 40 à 60 cm et doublez-le. Torsadez le fil pour faire une boucle d'env. 1cm de long. Veuillez noter que la longueur du fil détermine la longueur de la tige de la fleur une fois terminée.
2 Make three small and five large petals for the flower. Make the three small petals by threading 12 beads onto each wire on either side of the loop. Twist the wires together and now thread 16 beads onto each wire.
4 Make the large petals by threading 16 beads onto each wire on either side of the loop. Thread 20 beads onto each wire when making the outer edge of the petal before twisting the wires together for the petals. Make a total of five large petals.
5 Make the stamens by threading seven rocaille seed beads onto the brass wire. Thread the 8th bead onto the wire and feed the wire back through the first seven beads. Repeat so that you have a total of seven stamens. Roll the beaded wire (with the seven stamens) together and push the brass wire through the rolled-up beaded stamens and twist the brass wire.
6 You may make the centre of the flower as a ball; thread four beads onto a piece of brass wire. Push both wires through the fourth bead from either side and tighten. Thread another bead onto each wire and feed both wire ends through the third bead from either side). Repeat so that you have carried out this process a total of four times. Assemble the ball by threading a bead onto each wire, push the wires through the first bead from either side and tighten.
7 Make leaves as woven bead leaves or on a piece of brass wire. Cut a 40-60 cm piece of brass wire. Thread 12 beads onto the middle of the wire and twist the wire. Make leaves on both wires following the same procedure using 12 beads for each leaf. Twist the brass wire. Make the last two leaves following the same procedure but with 16 beads for each leaf.
8 Assemble the flower by arranging the small petals around the stamens. Cut a 40 cm piece of brass wire and twist it tightly around the stamens and the small petals. Now arrange the five large petals staggered around the three small petals and twist the brass wire around them to keep them in place. Twist the brass wire ends together to form a stem. Attach the leaves around the stem by twisting them with brass wire.
9 Make flowers on a 60 cm piece of brass wire. Thread 13 beads onto the wire and twist the wire around the last bead. Thread 12 beads onto the wire and twist the two beaded wires together at the end to form a petal. Make a total of five petals. See step 6 and make the centre of the flower as a ball. You may attach the flower onto a hair clip by twisting the brass wire ends onto the hair clip.
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