How to make homemade paper dyed with watercolour
Make beautiful paper from scratch with paper pulp or old scraps of paper. Add a couple of drops of liquid watercolour to add colour to the paper. This is a fun and inexpensive craft project resulting in beautiful coloured homemade paper. 100g paper pulp = 20-25 A5 sheets of homemade paper.
Comment faire Téléchargez nos instructions étape par étape
2 Whisk the paper pulp to a uniform consistency either with a hand whisk or an electrical hand mixer.
3 Pour the mixture into a tub large enough to fit the paper making frame mould and add the art aqua liquid watercolour. Since red and green are complementary colours, a few drops of green in the red dye bath will give a more washed out colour. And vice versa.
4 Stir the mixture just before use. The thickness of the finished paper varies according to the amount of pulp in the mixture.
5 Hold the frame vertically at the back of the tub. The side on which you wish to mould the paper, should face you.
6 Submerge the frame underneath the pulp horizontally. Push it forwards and backwards until the screen is covered. Lift it out of the tub and let the water drip off. A tip: Sieve the left-over pulp from the water, leave to dry and save it for next time. Never pour it directly into the sink, as it can block the drains.
7 Fold a piece of felt and run it across the underneath of the frame to soak up the water. Squeeze out the water and continue like this until most of the water is absorbed.
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