Impression au pochoir sur un torchon et une housse de coussin


L'impression sur ce torchon et cette housse de coussin (faite avec deux torchons cousus ensemble) est faite en utilisant la méthode du pochoir. Le pochoir est placé sur le textile, puis la peinture est appliquée sur le pochoir à l'aide d'un rouleau.

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Comment faire
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1.   Placez le pochoir sur le textile avec le côté adhésif vers le bas, sur le textile. Lissez et fixez le pochoir en plaçant du ruban adhésif sur tout le tour.
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2.   Saturate the paint roller with paint. Use a sample piece to test if there is too much or too little paint on the roller.
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3.   Paint with the paint roller onto and over the screen stencil until the motif is completely covered.
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4.   Remove and wash the screen stencil in lukewarm water immediately. Let the screen stencil print dry. Follow the instructions on the packaging of the paint.
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5.   Use masking tape to cover an area on the fabric, enabling you to paint a straight stripe along the edge of the fabric. Attach the masking tape making an outer and inner frame with an approx. 2-3cm space between. Now apply the paint with the paint roller. Let it dry.
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6.   Fix the stencil print and the painted frame with a hot iron for approx. 3-5 minutes. Use a cotton setting on the iron. Follow the instructions on your iron.
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7.   Cushion cover – made by sewing two tea towels together. One tea towel is left plain and the other is decorated with screen stencil printing. This is how you do: arrange the tea towels, outer side against outer side and sew them together into a bag (i.e. the two long sides and one of the short sides). NB! Sew a foot's width from the tea towel's finished seam.
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8.   Now iron the seams and turn right side out. Turn the opening approx. 17cm inwards and fasten with three or four stitches along the finished seam. You may do this on the sewing machine or by hand.
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9.   Place one or two stuffed pillows inside the finished cushion cover.
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