Papier fait maison avec des aiguilles de pin pour la Noël


Confectionnez votre propre papier avec des aiguilles de pin pour la réalisation de marques-place et de bougeoirs. Saupoudrer les aiguilles de pin et la pâte à papier dans l'eau pour dissoudre le papier. Laissez le papier sécher pendant la nuit.

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Comment faire
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1   Déchirez la pâte à papier en petits morceaux et laissez-la tremper dans de l'eau. Fouettez la pâte à papier pour dissoudre les grumeaux.
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2   Pour the mixture into a tub large enough to fit the paper making frame.
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3   Pick pine needles and cut them into small pieces. Sprinkle them into the tub. Be aware that brownish discolouration may appear in the finished paper when using natural materials in paper making.
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4   Whisk water, pine needles and paper pulp prior to submerging the paper making frame mould underneath the water, at an angle at the back of the tub. Lift it straight out of the water.
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5   Turn over the paper making frame mould and place it with the pulp face down onto an absorbent surface, for example, a piece of felt. Dab and carefully squeeze out most of the water from the paper pulp.
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6   Turn over the frame. Dab off the moisture from underneath the frame with a folded piece of felt, thus releasing the paper from the frame. Place the frame firmly onto a piece of felt if the pulp doesn't release from the frame automatically.
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7   Make holes in the paper for the light to penetrate through, using pointed scissors. Leave the paper to dry overnight.
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8   Once you have made your sheets of paper, use the paper making frame mould to sieve the left-over pulp from the water. Pour away the water.
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9   Use the rest of the paper pulp for making place cards or hearts in a silicone mould for hanging. Place the paper pulp in a uniform layer in the bottom of the mould, pouring and dabbing away the water. Leave overnight and remove the hearts from the mould to finish drying on the table.
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10   Make holes in the hearts if you like as well as in the paper for the candle holders. You may use a Screw Punch. Measure the paper to fit around the candle holders. Tear the paper along a metal ruler for a rough edge.
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11   Add an extra piece of paper onto the candle holder if the sheet of paper doesn't fit all the way around. Secure the paper onto the candle holder with decoupage lacquer.
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Plus d'infos

Confectionnez votre propre papier avec des aiguilles de pin pour la réalisation de marques-place et de bougeoirs. Saupoudrer les aiguilles de pin et la pâte à papier dans l'eau pour dissoudre le papier. Laissez le papier sécher pendant la nuit.

Plus d'infos
Numéro d'articlev15998


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