Quilling on a Greeting Card


This is a fun technique in which narrow Vivi Gade Weaving Paper Strips are rolled or twisted using a quilling pen and then wedged in a quilling board and glued together. The shapes are glued onto a greeting card and Vivi Gade paper.

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1.   Roll or twist the weaving paper strips using a quilling pen.
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2.   Place the rolled up paper strips in a desired mould in the quilling board.
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3.   Remove them carefully from the quilling board. To hold the size and the shape, glue them together with Clear Marker.
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4.   Place in the mould on the quilling board again. You could use pins to keep the same distance between the turns. Now glue with Clear Marker. The glue is gel-like and not runny. Let it dry.
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5.   Glue a piece of Vivi Gade paper onto a greeting card using double-sided adhesive tape.
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6.   Glue the paper coils onto the greeting card in a desired pattern. In this example: a butterfly.
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7.   Glue strips of paper along the edge.
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