Savon artisanal aux carrés colorés
Fabriquez votre propre savon avec des cubes de différentes couleurs. Faites fondre des ingrédients pour fabriquer un gros pain de savon en suivant les différentes étapes et terminez en coupant les pains de savon finis. N'oubliez pas de placer votre pain de savon dans un porte-savon, en le laissant sécher entre chaque utilisation.
Comment faire Téléchargez nos instructions étape par étape
1 Pesez la base de savon. Vous aurez besoin de 150 g de base de savon (50 g par cube de savon fini). Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser des gants car la base de savon devient chaude.
3 You can melt the soap base either in a water bath or in a microwave when it is cut into 3 x 3 cm chunks. Melt in the microwave at 80% power with 30 second intervals and stir between each interval to prevent heat damage.
4 Pour the hot non-coloured, white molten soap into three holes in the mould. Remove any air bubbles from the surface by spraying with rubbing alcohol.
5 Melt another 150 g soap base as described in step 3. Add 2 cm soap dye paste to the molten soap and stir well.
10 Pour the non-coloured, transparent hot molten crystal soap into three of the holes in the mould. Make sure that the mould is clean and has been sprayed with rubbing alcohol beforehand.
12 Melt another 150 g of crystal soap base and add 1 cm soap dye paste to the molten soap. Stir well.
13 Pour the coloured hot molten crystal soap into the remaining three holes in the mould. Remove any air bubbles from the surface by spraying with rubbing alcohol.
14 Cut one of each of the finished cubes of soap into 1 x 1 cm cubes. Make a large bar of soap for carving by melting 1 kg of crystal soap base. Begin with 500 g and add colour by using 1 cm soap dye paste. Pour the molten soap into a clean mould. Leave to cool slightly before distributing the first layer of soap cubes into the molten soap.
15 Melt the remaining 500 g of crystal soap base and add colour by using 1 cm soap dye paste. Cover the soap cubes in the mould with the liquid molten soap and add the remaining cubes of soap.
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