Technique School: Relief Drawing using a Refill Bottle with Paint


Relief is a technique for raising the outline or details in a design. It's illustrated here using acrylic paint filled in a refill bottle with a fine drawing tip.

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Comment faire
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1.   Fill the refill bottle with acrylic paint (Art Proff). Now draw a design on the canvas panel using the fine drawing tip on the refill bottle. Leave to dry.
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2.   Paint the design over with the acrylic paint, undiluted or diluted according to taste. Leave to dry for approx. 30 minutes.
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3.   Variant No. 1: Use a flat foam stencil brush for lightly painting with a different colour over the relief design further emphasizing the effect.
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4.   As an alternative to the option mentioned above, you may use a foam stencil brush moistened with water and then applied over the relief design, which highlights the colour of the relief.
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5.   Variant No. 2: Paint a painting with a design according to your taste. Leave to dry and then bring out the outlines and details.
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