Un bracelet décoré de cerises et de citrons


Réalisez un bracelet de fruits avec des perles de rocaille. Utilisez du fil de perles avec un fermoir pour le bracelet et cousez des perles de rocaille pour faire des fruits à l'aide d'un cordon en nylon.

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1   Coupez un morceau de cordon de nylon de 60 cm. Enfilez trois perles sur le cordon et doublez-le. Veuillez noter que la perle du milieu (des trois perles) sera désormais appelée '1ère perl' dans le motif. Enfilez la quatrième perle sur le cordon et enfilez le cordon opposé à travers cette perle de manière à ce que les deux parties de cordon en nylon se croisent à l'intérieur de la quatrième perle. Serrez pour former un carré.
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2   Make the next squares by threading a bead onto each cord and a third bead, feeding both cords through it from opposite sides, so that the cords cross over inside the bead. Repeat making squares like this and finish with a loose bead on each cord. Use a total of 18 beads for the lemon and 12 for the cherry.
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3   Now thread the two nylon cords through the 1st bead (from opposite sides) of the first square you made. Tighten to form a bauble.
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4   Secure the bauble by feeding the cord through the beads at the side and then back through the 1st bead. Please pay attention to this when making the lemon which is made with more beads.
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5   Make the stalk of the cherry by feeding the cord through a green bead from both sides twice. Make the leaf by threading seven green beads onto one cord. Finish the leaf by feeding the cord through the first of the seven green beads.
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6   Make the stalk for the lemon with a single white bead and make the leaf in the same way as described in step 5.
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7   Thread a white bead onto the cherry stalk after the leaf. Thread another two green beads onto the cord and feed the cord through each bead from both sides. Make another berry following the same procedure as described above. Finish with a double knot and add a blob of glue.
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8   Squeeze a crimp bead onto one end of a 25 cm long beading wire. Thread a bead tip onto the beading wire, but turn it around so that it covers the crimp bead and then followed by rocaille seed beads; f.ex. eight white and a coloured bead. Thread the beaded fruit onto the middle of the beaded wire. Remember that if the beading wire measures 15 cm, the bracelet will be 18 cm long incl. the fastener. Finish with a bead tip and then a crimp bead (like at the beginning of the wire). Trim the beading wire. Attach a round jump ring to both loops of one of the bead tips. Attach a lobster claw clasp to the other bead tip.
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9   You may use a nylon cord, using the same procedure regarding the crimp beads, bead tips and lobster claw clasp. Thread eight beads onto the cord, change colour, thread a green bead and then three coloured beads onto the cord. Feed the cord back through the green bead and tighten to make a square with the four beads.
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10   A tip: You may attach the beaded cherries and beaded lemons to French earwires using them as earrings.
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Template   Print the template here.
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Plus d'infos

Réalisez un bracelet de fruits avec des perles de rocaille. Utilisez du fil de perles avec un fermoir pour le bracelet et cousez des perles de rocaille pour faire des fruits à l'aide d'un cordon en nylon.

Plus d'infos
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