Une abeille faite à partir d'un tube en papier cartonné


Utilisez un rouleau de papier toilette vide pour la confection d'une abeille avec des ailes mobiles.

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Guide step %d
1   Enroulez les fils chenille autour d'env. la moitié du tube en papier cartonné, en alternant entre le jaune et le noir. Terminez chaque tour en enroulant les extrémités du fil chenille sur elles-même. Coupez l'excédent.
Guide step %d
2   Make three holes in the cardboard tube with the pointed end of a pair of scissors; two holes just above the last row of pipe cleaners and the 3rd hole at the top edge between the two previous holes. See the photo.
Guide step %d
3   Print out the template for the wings for this idea and cut out the wings from card. Fold them in half. Cut a 2m piece of string and feed it equally between the two wings in the fold. Push a paper binder through the hole in the wing, thread on a bead and now push the paper binder into one of the bottom holes in the cardboard tube. Fold out the legs of the paper binder inside the cardboard tube.
Guide step %d
4   Feed the other ends of the string around the string between the wings and pull down as shown in the photo. Trim the ends and secure them between two self-adhesive foam rubber circles.
Guide step %d
5   Cut a piece of yellow pipe cleaner to a suitable length, fold in half and glue on a pom-pom at each end. Attach the antennae onto the inside of the tube.
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Utilisez un rouleau de papier toilette vide pour la confection d'une abeille avec des ailes mobiles.

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