Une plaque à pince décorée


Trois des quatre plaques à pince montrées ici sont décorées avec du papier Vivi Gade Design de la série Paris collé sur le recto. La quatrième plaque à pince est peinte avec de la peinture pour tableau laquelle est approprié comme base pour des décorations et des messages écrits à la craie.

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Comment faire
Guide step %d
1.   Retirez la feuille protectrice de la pince en métalnsituée sur la plaque. Utilisez un cutter pour couper les bords.
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2.   Insert a piece of wire through the two holes of the clips and tighten by twisting the wire, so that the clip is kept open. This gives more space when attaching the decorative paper to the edge.
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3.   Print the template with the clip which is available as a separate file to this idea. Cut and check that the format fits, otherwise adjust by eye.
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4.   Place the template on the design paper and draw around the template roughly 1-2 mm from the edge of the template at the top as well as the sides. Cut out.
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5.   Apply a coat of VTR adhesive onto the front of the clip board. NB: only apply the adhesive to the top half of the clip board and attach the design paper, before doing the bottom half.
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6.   Apply a coat of VTR adhesive to the bottom half of the clip board and attach the rest of the design paper.
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7.   Smooth out the paper with your hands – from the top and down.
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8.   Cut a piece of design paper to fit the bottom bare area of the Clip Board. Adjust the size and the pattern. Now leave to dry. You may apply pressure whilst drying. NB: if the finished Clip Board is bowing, apply a coat of VTR adhesive to the back.
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9.   Trim the excess paper along the edges, cutting from the back.
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Gabarit   -
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