Wooden Keyring Fobs in a Shelf with a Groove


This narrow wooden shelf shaped like a speech bubble is used as a practical key cabinet. Four grooves are cut at the top for hanging keys with keyring fobs each made from a leather cord with a painted wooden beads/curtain ring.

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Comment faire
Guide step %d
1   Cover with masking tape and paint with Plus Color craft paint. Leave to dry.
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2   Draw details with a permanent marker.
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3   Cut a piece of leather cord measuring approx. 50 cm. Thread a split ring onto the middle of the cord and tie a tight knot. See the photo.
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4   Drill four evenly distributed holes in the top shelf. (Diameter = approx. 4-5 mm).
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5   Cut a slot from the side of the shelf into each hole. Use a hand saw, preferably for metal, as this gives the best result. A TIP: Sand with sand paper if the wood has splintered.
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6   Thread both ends of the leather cord through the hole in the bead, tie a knot and trim. (NB: Just tie around the curtain ring).
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