Coussins décoratifs en coton


Les housses de ces oreillers rembourrés sont faites à partir de tissu 100% coton de haute qualité, en partie avec des motifs de chez Glad Design, et en partie de couleur unie.

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Comment faire
Guide step %d
1   Cut two 45 x 45 cm pieces to make each cushion cover. Make a 1.5 cm fold on the bottom of each of the two squares. This side will be the cover's opening. (Fold the fabric from the outer side onto the inner side and iron.
Guide step %d
2   Assemble the two squares - outer side against outer side. Secure the three sides with pins (not the fourth side which has the fold).
Guide step %d
3   Sew the three sides together with a seam of approx. 1 cm from the edge. At the fold at the bottom you may sew a small section from each side using the sewing machine. Leave an opening for the stuffed pillow. See the last step.
Guide step %d
4   Before turning the cushion cover inside out, cut off the corners at the opposite end of the fold.
Guide step %d
5   Turn the cover inside out, press it with an iron and insert the pillow. Sew the opening together by hand with small stitches using a needle and thread.
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