Des décoration sde Noël faites à partir de naperons
Make your own angels, Christmas trees and snowflake rosettes. Trim the doilies and create various shapes for hanging or for table decoration.
Comment faire
4 Squeeze the doily in the middle and glue the wings together with small blobs of Sticky Base between each pleat.
5 Thread the body, the wings and the wooden bead for the head onto a piece of doubled-over silver thread using a needle, thus assembling the angel. It can now be used as a hanging decoration.
6 Make a halo from a piece of pipe cleaner formed into a loop. Twist it around itself to secure it. Thread it onto the silver thread. You may secure it on top of the wooden bead using Sticky Base.
7 Make a Christmas tree by folding three doilies into cone shapes using the same procedure for the angel's body (steps 1 + 2). Make the cones in
different widths as shown in this photo.
8 Roll a ball from Foam Clay and push the bottom slightly flat, almost making it into a semi circle.
9 Push a pipe cleaner into the Foam Clay semi circle and attach a blob of Foam Clay onto the pipe cleaner approx. 4 cm from the bottom. Push the largest cone onto the pipe cleaner so that it rests on the small Foam Clay ball on the pipe cleaner.
10 Repeat the procedure with the other two cones and attach another blob of Foam Clay onto the pipe cleaner approx. 3 cm apart. The smallest cone should be at the top.
11 Trim the pipe cleaner and finish by attaching two snowflake sequins either side of the tree top using Sticky Base.
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